Research Directs in Psychology and Behavior is an open access, double peer-reviewed, internationally published journal, indexed on Google Scholar to track citations, h-index and i10-index for impact. The journal is a Crossref member for digital object identifier (DOI) number assignment and citation tracking.

Research Directs: Publishes manuscripts as they are accepted. Published works are dated by year, volume (issue): manuscript number and DOI number.  Example: 2024, Volume 1 (Issue 1): 3, DOI#.

Publication Timeline: From submission to publication, manuscripts in RDPB take on average less than 35-45 days. Timelines may vary based on reviewer promptness and the time needed for authors to address revisions. 


An Examination of the Impact of COVID-19 on Student Emotional Well-Being

Rebecca Elkins, Rhyanne McDade, Jennifer Lape Kaiser
Abstract 46 | PDF Downloads 17

Investigating Differences in Perceived Stress Between Injured and Non-Injured NCAA Division II Student-Athletes During COVID-19

Mindy Mayol, Faith Atkinson, Sydney Irvine, L. Hunter Stafford, Riggs Klika, Gary Long, Nathanial Eckert, Richard Robinson, Brian Reagan, Trent Cayot
Abstract 130 | PDF Downloads 37

Exercise Program for Faculty and Staff: Building Collegiality Through Convenience

Phrosini Samis-Smith Samis-Smith, Nola Schmidt
Abstract 91 | PDF Downloads 54