The Relationships Among Proprioception, Balance, and Cognitive Perception of Body Awareness in College Students: A Pilot Study Original Research
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kinesthesia, spatial awareness, stability
Introduction: This pilot study examined the relationships among lower extremity proprioception, balance ability, and perception of body awareness. Researchers also evaluated the influence of sex, sport participation, leg dominance, and previous ankle injury.
Methods: Eighteen participants (F = 11, M = 7) completed the initial testing, with eight (F = 4, M = 4) repeating the mLEPT one week later. Participant characteristics and mBARQ data were collected using an online survey. Measures included proprioception errors on the mLEPT, utilizing distances of 12 and 22 cm, and the Biodex Balance SystemÔ Limits of Stability Test.
Results: For the mLEPT, good reliability was noted for the dominant leg 22 cm distance between trials 1 and 2 for all 18 participants (ICC = 0.83). Moderate test-retest reliability was observed when comparing the averages of day 1 to day 2 for the dominant leg 22 cm distance (ICC = 0.53), and for the overall error when collapsing across conditions (ICC = 0.63). Moderate reliability was also observed for the mBARQ (α = 0.76). Strong inverse relationships between proprioception error and directional control scores were observed, indicating an association between dynamic balance and lower extremity proprioception (r = -0.55-0.54, p = 0.02). Sex, sports participation, leg dominance, and previous ankle injury also influenced proprioception performance. Females displayed better lower extremity proprioception and balance control than males. In addition, participants without previous ankle injury scored higher on the mBARQ, and had better directional control and time to completion, indicating that those without ankle injury had a higher perception of body awareness and better dynamic balance.
Conclusions: Both the mLEPT and mBARQ appear to have moderate reliability. mLEPT performance was strongly associated with dynamic balance measures. In addition, lower mBARQ scale scores in those with previous ankle injury were strongly associated with poorer proprioception. While preliminary findings are promising, a larger follow-up study is needed to determine if the mLEPT and mBARQ are potential quick and inexpensive tools to monitor changes in proprioception during rehabilitation post-injury.
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